Specialists in NDT inspection and risk analysis.
Certified by international organizations such as SMRP, API, ASME, AWS.
We provide integral maintenance solutions
Development of asset integrity management systems that support risk-based value decisions and optimize the life cycle cost of your assets.

Non Destructive Testing
Inspection services for material sanitation, thickness measurement...
Risk Evaluation
It is a process/methodology that allows to understand the risks associated with the operation of a plant...
Qualified Welding
Welder qualification services (WPQ), review and acceptance of welding procedures...
Meet Our Services
We will answer all your questions
Development of a model for asset failure analysis. ABKATUN-POL-CHUCK and LITORAL TABASCO. Valve tree and sub-surface safety valve and sub-surface safety valve (storm valve), based on IBR methodology (Risk Based Inspection API 580).