Non Destructive Testing
Inspection services for material sanitation, thickness gauging, flaw detection, discontinuity detection and fitness for service of structural welding, pipeline and/or process line welding, pressure vessels and drilling tools.
- Ultrasonic Inspection (Conventional and Phase Array)
- Electromagnetic Inspection (Eddy Current and ACFM)
- Visual Inspection
- Matalography and Hardness Tests
- Industrial Radiography
- Penetrating liquids and magnetic particles

Risk Evaluation
It is a process / methodology that allows understanding the risks associated with the operation of a plant / process and the effects that inspection, maintenance and mitigation actions have on such risks, involves the planning of an inspection based on information obtained through a risk analysis whose purpose is to identify degradation mechanisms capable of causing failures and assess the probability of occurrence and consequences of such failures.
- Process risk analysis
- Criticality and failure mode analysis
- Risk based inspection

Qualified Welding
Welder qualification services (WPQ), review and acceptance of welding procedures (WPS) and their respective qualification (PQR) by a recognized welding inspector qualified as CWI (Certified Welding Inspector) under the established in the QC-1 specification of the American Welding Society (AWS).
- Weld inspection
- Welding procedure specification
- Welder performance qualification

Manufacturing Inspection
- QA/QC Production Line Inspection
- Factory acceptance tests
- Quality plan and compliance with customer requirements

NDT Training
- Ultrasonic inspection level I/II
- Weld inspection
- Liquid penetrant inspection I/II
- Magnetic Particle Inspection level I/II
- Visual inspection level I/II
- API 570/571 Application Course: Risk-Based Inspection

Certifications & Human Capital
Qualified, certified and experienced technicians under the criteria of international standards.
- SMRP Certified Maintenance and Reliability Professional
- Professional certified in risk analysis and R.B.I. by API 580.
- AWS certified welding inspector
- N-3 NDT certified inspector by ISO 9712